web design for dancers, artists and creative business owners

websites that help you build your dreams

launch your website in 10 days


launch your website in 10 days -

about us

a web design agency for artists & creatives, by artists & creatives

Hey there! Welcome to GPG Designs, a boutique web design agency created by dancers and creatives who believe that your ideas are worth developing and your stories are worth sharing. We specialize in crafting custom websites that capture the true essence of dancers, artists, and creative entrepreneurs, helping to reflect your unique expression and bring your vision to life. Read more

trusted by over 100 artists and creatives

passionate about supporting DREAMS and IDEAS

created with dancers, artists and creatives in mind

our website template shop

build a beautiful, strategic website without breaking the bank


… but how does this actually work?

In 4 easy steps you will be able to customize and launch your new website

  • Browse our ready to customize designs and pick the one the has the most potential for your brand! Need help deciding? Reach out! We are more than happy to help pick one that would be right for you!

    Once you have made the purchase you’ll get an email giving you access to video tutorials right away! You will also receive an email invitation to your new template within 48hours after your purchase.

  • Following our video tutorials and online resources, you will be able to easily add your brand colours, fonts and pictures/videos to your new template

  • Easily customize the rest of your template’s unique features and elements following along to our recorded video tutorials

  • Use our pre-launch checklist & documents to confidently hit the publish button and announce it to the world!

see a little BTS of what our templates are about

your dreams are worth pursuing


your dreams are worth pursuing -

our services

helping dancers and creatives launch sites they are proud of

  • Working closely with you and your goals, we'll create a website that captures the essence of your artistry and business in weeks… not months. Learn more here

    This is perfect for..

    ✓ Professional dancers and artists who are looking to add or grow their side business through their website

    ✓ Artists who are over DIY solutions

    ✓ Creative entrepreneurs or small business owners who are looking to rebuild foundations and redefine their online branding and presence

    ✓ Dancers who don’t have a website yet or have a DIY website and are needing a more strategic design that drives traffic and attention

    Starting at $2,480

    Get started now

  • We will customize one of our existing website templates to fit your brand and business needs. This fun process will follow our 10 day project and will leave you with a beautiful and strategic design, that you can be proud of.

    This is perfect for…

    ✓ Dancers, artists or creative business owners who have a relatively new business

    ✓ Anyone who loves our templates but want some further customizations to the design to make it even more unique to your brand

    ✓ You really don’t know what type of website design you like but have found inspiration from our templates

    Starting at $1,800


  • You have a long list of website updates but currently don’t have any time to get those website updates done.


    We can help you with this by knocking these updates out in 1 day

    Starting at $380 (6hours)

    Get started here

our clients have been featured on…

(we love to boost about our clients because well… they are freaking incredible)

your ideas are worth developing


your ideas are worth developing -

client love

hear from some of our beloved dancers & creatives

🔊 click here to listen

🔊 click here to listen

get in touch


get in touch -

custom designed websites

recent launches

get in touch

your ideas are worth building

Fill in the form, book a chat and let’s get the ball rolling. We are looking forward to learning more about your visions, your business and your ideas

(step 1 of 3)